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Child Protection Policy


As an organisation with responsibility for children, we have both a moral and a legal obligation to ensure the highest possible standard of care for those children who use our services. SPORTSCO is committed to providing safe, enjoyable activities and sporting opportunities for young people. The purpose of this policy is to safeguard children placed in our care and to facilitate the best possible professional practice from SPORTSCO, its staff and volunteers.

Policy Statement

SPORTSCO is committed to ensuring that children are protected and kept safe from harm whilst they are engaged in any activity associated with SPORTSCO. We will endeavour to achieve this by:

  • Ensuring that our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, vetted, trained and supervised.
  • Ensuring our staff and volunteers adhere to ’The Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport in Ireland’ and ‘Code of Practise for Child Welface in ILAM Facilities’. • Lorna Brady is the designated person responsible for dealing with concerns about the protection of children.
  • Bullying, intimidation and harassment are taken seriously and will not be tolerated. Patrons will be supported when bullying is reported.
  • Providing clear procedures for parents and staff to voice their concerns or complaints if they are unsure or unhappy about any issue.
  • This policy is displayed in our Integrated Management System for all staff and a copy will be given to all children’s camp staff.
  • As part of this policy, all photography, filming and recording are strictly prohibited.

You can also download PDF version of our policy here.